Here is Stu watching football. Although if I want to watch, say, Extreme Home makeover, I have to go in the bedroom???
I will say that after her nightly bottle, Abby sat quietly in my lap. I thought she was enjoying the lights of the Christmas tree, basking in the spirit of Christmas. No. She thought the nutcracker on the entertainment center was the neatest thing she had ever seen.
Abby used the boxes that I will use to wrap presents to "skate" in the kitchen.
Some of my thoughts......
- When you are in the grocery store and you see a crazed lady with a screaming baby coming down the aisle, please do not leave your cart in the middle while you walk off to shop. She WILL shove your cart 10 feet away and probably throw things in your cart that you don't need.
- If it is November (almost December), don't take your baby to the store in a onesie. It may seem nice outside, but your baby needs to wear more than a freaking onesie.
- If your child smacks another person, don't say sorry, but then nothing to your kid. True story - I was in the grocery store today (in case you couldn't tell) and I felt someone SMACK me in the middle of my back. My first instinct was a friend that hit me too hard. So I whipped around and it was a five year old in the cart. He HIT me. Mom muttered sorry, but nothing to the little !@#$% (insert your own word here). I also heard her remark to another woman a few aisles over that her kid wouldn't stop hitting strangers. Really??? Buck up Momma and lay down the law.
- I do hate people that want to judge how others kids behave and say "my kid would never do that", but on some level I have to think that I would NOT allow my child to hit another person without severe punishment. Or throw a tantrum in a public place. I might be eating my words in a few years, but I doubt it.
what a character that Stuart. I can see him doing that with the mouse.. LOL... And sleeping while football, but if you lower it or change the channel he'd ask you why you did that.. love the tree and how Abby helped. her shoes are adorable, but everything about her is adorable. trying to decide on a gift. still thinking.... love you
Honestly, dont stress it!! I really think that the wrapping paper will do it for her...and I bought her wrapping paper for $1 at Target.
Love you and I hope you send me ideas for the boys....
looove the tree! Good work! =)
If I were you, I would of had a few words with the Mother. Thats just not cool! Some people!
The mother will pay later. It kills me when people won't discipline their kids and then they shake their head like they have no clue why their kid is acting that way! Colt will probably end up hating us bc we certainly won't put up with that! I was at Target and this little boy grabbed some sort of candy and his mom said "No, put that back." The little boy never said anything and just put it back without a fuss. The mom looked at me and said "You probably think I am a bad mom." I was like "Um, no I think you are a great mom!" Her little boy knew that a tantrum wouldn't work!
Email me at with your address. I will add you to my xmas card distribution :)
Try being a kindergarten teacher and putting up with these parents. Those precious little angels never do anything wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love my little friends, but the parents....notsomuch.
Oh my goodness! He HIT you!! That Momma would have been getting one "dirty" look if she EVER saw one!
People these days..... self image, yatta, yatta, yatta...... LOVE starts from the inside, out... that goes for yourself as well as for loving others. Good people come in all shapes, sizes, and colors.
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