Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday (Ha!)

I have always wanted to do "Wordless Wednesday" and just post a good picture of Abby, but, well I could never narrow it down. Plus I really like to hear myself talk/type!

We got some great pajamas for Christmas, but apparently I don't do laundry enough as we are always running out and she has to wear her 9 month ones that squish her toes.
So I went to Babies R Us and got her two new pair. This is one pair and they are very silky (is that a word?) and have ballerinas on them.

We were goofing around taking pictures together last night. When I first looked at this picture, I thought "People are crazy to think we look alike". But I do see it in the chin and the cheekbones. Definitely don't think that we share a nose ;)

Better shot of the new pj's. And the curls in the back.

After taking pictures, I thought I might try and read my new magazine.

Apparently Abby decided that she needed to read it....


I wanted to take another picture of Abby in her pj's, but she was not a happy camper.

This one says Princess, but I am thinking that it should really say Diva.

In a little bit of a better mood.

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