Thursday, January 21, 2010

Abby's Worse Day Ever (aka One Year Appt)

This poor, precious little girl is teething again! Teething for Abby involves a runny nose, sneezing, can't sleep, nothing makes her get the point.
I knew this day was not going to be great last night. She sleeps through the night. All the time. But last night I heard her crying in her sleep about 11. Stuart went in and took care of her and she was quiet until about 5 this morning. Then it was on!
She woke up and was not going back to bed. I put on cartoons and laid on the couch, thinking that she would just play beside me. No way, she poked me in the eye, ear, and nose to get my attention. Then she wanted on the couch only to be mad and get back off.
Later, we got dressed to go to the doctor (check out her retro outfit from Jess).

She was so unhappy and only wanted to be held.
The appointment itself went well. Abby weighs 19.8 pounds (25-50 percentile), is 29 3/4 inches tall (75 percentile) and her head is 18 1/2 inches (95 percentile). Basically, she is thin, tall, and has an enormous head. No wonder she is not walking!
I did ask the doctor about her being so small. He said that she is perfectly healthy (and that Momma and Daddy are doing a great job) and staying in the same growth bracket. But he suggested giving her more calorie rich foods such as lots of cheese, eggs, and starches.
Then on the shots. She got four. She cried so hard that I thought she was going to stop breathing.

Meg (the sitter) also said that she was fussy all afternoon and when we took her temperature when we got home it was 101. Still managed to put cheese on her head though.

After a good long bath and some milk...she slept on me! You have no idea how rare this is. Really. I made Stu take a picture. I could snuggle with this baby all night.