Friday, February 5, 2010

Sick Day

Papa Johns and I have officially broken up. After a delicious dinner of pizza last night, Papa woke me up about 4 this morning with a brick in the stomach. After tossing and turning for hours, I finally managed to crawl to the computer to email in sick and then went back to bed. Luckily, I have a wonderful husband that took care of the baby while I laid in bed all day. I did attempt to get up about 11 and shower, but that was about all I did.

And I thought that she would she would be happy that I was home!!
(Maybe she just felt sorry for me).

She was especially upset that Dada is trying to take her pacy away.

At least she was looking cute in her pink sweater and tennis shoes.

I finally got Ms. Abby some bubble bath. She was loving it! Although she did lose a few toys in the bath and was confused about that.

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