Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Title Post

I will share a portion of Abby's birth story. I had been pushing for about 3 hours (yes, actively pushing for 3 hours). The doctor finally told me that they could either suction or c-section. In the Lamaze classes that I went to (taught by one of the doctors), he told us that if suction was offered, it was not good for the baby and probably wouldn't work anyways. So I chose c-section. Now, let me just say for anyone that has not had a c-section, they don't just wheel you in right then and there. You have to go find the "pain doctor". So for the 45 minutes it took to find him and start administering the drug, I am trying NOT to push. Let me tell you, that is actually worse. Secretly you just keep hoping she will pop out. The doctor is putting the drugs in my IV from the epidural when the doctor rushes in the room, screaming that the baby's heart rate is dropping and I must get into surgery NOW. The pain doctor says "But I'm not done". It was like a bad horror movie. He is trying to put drugs in a tiny hole and the doctor is trying to throw my half-deadened body onto the surgery gurney. At this EXACT moment, the ugliest nurse (come to find out, both inside and out) gets right in my face and screams "Are you going to breast feed??". In my shock, I just say No. I don't regret my decision, but it was still traumatizing to have to choose at that moment. ********************* Hopefully I didn't share too much with my many (well, 7) followers. This will make it all worth it though. A sweet little girl that is too busy looking at magazines to smile at the camera.

No post tomorrow night....I will be hitting the books in Traffic School!!!


Justine said...

The story is so sad!! I can never fall asleep on an airplane and this lady fell asleep while brestfeeding on an airplane. so sad!

Good luck with your "Crazy driver" school!

Warf pary of 3 said...

I totally understand the pain that comes with labor. I was in preterm labor for about 6 hours without drugs and no pushing to try to stop the contractions. At one point i was having a contraction, a nurse was taking blood in my arm and i was having a cathiter (sp) put in all at the same time without drugs. NO FUN!! Landon was coming no matter what that night and he did. After I got the drugs I was just fine!! Landon loves the magazines as well. Lets just swap tubberware and magazines as Christmas gifts for the kids this year. thats all they play with anyways.

Katie said...

Love ya Ann!

Mr. Puggle® said...

Ali, hang out with puggle posse sometime! Us puggles have to stick together.