Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Tu Tle"

No, I did not misspell the title. This was just my version of how Abby said "Turtle" tonight. One of her favorite toys is a turtle that sprays water at her when squeezed. So over and over tonight, I said Turtle, Turtle, Turtle. Finally, she said (all cute like) "Tu Tle" about 10 times.
Showing Daddy her turtle.

Trying to squeeze the water out of it.
No, that is not a black eye she is sporting. Our camera has started spotting weird dark areas on it. After we get settled again, that will be our next big purchase.

***Stay tuned for Christmas as there will be lots of new bath toys***
She kept stepping in and out of her toy bin, so I thought it would be funny to put her in it. She actually loved it.
My mom has a picture of my little brother as a baby in a milk crate (hopefully my readers are not too young to remember playing with milk crates...or maybe we just thought they were fun). This reminds me of that.

Daddy preparing to go out and watch the football game tonight.


gammy said...

no way tu tlt that is adorable. I can't wait till abby can play with her cousins. she is way too cute precious adorable.

Anonymous said...

Um, yes. I laughed at the Santa pictures. The first one was my favorite, the gay appearal one... My husband would totally dress up like that just to get a picture! How sad?! What made it even funnier is we had Santa at the daycare on Thursday and literally, I thought I was going to have to find a sedation drug to give to each and every child! They hated that man! All of my kids looked just like the one little boy with his hands out balling his eyes out!