Tuesday, October 6, 2009

9 Months Old

For Abby's 9 months, I decided to show some random pictures of her life with the comments of all that she now does. Although it may seem like a short life, she fills my every thought every moment of the day....

From the moment that I saw this on the screen, I knew my purpose in life!

Soon after, this beautiful face changed my life....
Born at 7 pounds, 11 ounces, she now weighs 18 pounds (official weight tomorrow at her 9 month check up)

She constantly pulls herself up, even can walk around the coffee table a bit.

Daddy taught her how to dance, so she likes to stand up on her knees and dance for us.

Likes new foods, the more the better! Pretty much over being spoon fed, she likes to pick the food up herself and eat it. Cut up bananas, pastas, bread.

Falls asleep the minute she is in the car. If not, talks to herself for the ride. Just dont interrupt her! I cant wait to get her next car seat....definitely going for pink (sorry, Stu).

In the past few weeks, when in the bathtub, she tries to pull up on the edge and stand up. Needless to say I have to keep a close eye on her!

Has four teeth! Two on bottom and two on top.

At eight months, she was saying Da-da. Now she has moved on to Ma-Ma-Ma. Cant help but smile every time I hear it!
Not too much different from eight months!

(Here are two pictures from tonight)

1 comment:

gammy said...

i like that can't believe she is 9 months old love you