Monday, June 21, 2010

(Late) Weekend Recap

We had a very fun-filled weekend! Busy and exhausting. I was out like a light last night, so I didn't get to recap. So, here goes....

First, let me just say that no clasp is safe in the house with Abby. I have a "backpack" that I take to work with my laptop in it. Every day, before she even says Hi to me, she insists on clasping the straps. We had her car seat inside this weekend and girlfriend spent a good thirty minutes on it. I tried to get a picture of her actually IN the car seat working on it, but she got out before I could find the camera.

See the stroller in the background? After every walk, she re-snaps all of the straps. First few times, I didn't realize until she was in it. But now I know to unclip BEFORE I put her in it.


My friend Autumn is due to have a boy July 25th. Check out this adorable cake!

I only took one picture of the mommy-to-be. But our photographer friend took some shots as well - I cant wait to see those!

Abby spent the night with her Gammy that night and wore Chris' Sponge Bob pj's. Here she is the next morning eating breakfast with Gammy.


Sunday, we spent the whole day at the lake. My Dad turned 60 on Saturday so we rented a pontoon boat.

Jess and my Bro. I commented on his "white-ness". He said it is because Jess is so dark. Sure.....

Stu and Abby.

We figured out that this seat would work perfectly for her. But I will add that kid's life jackets SUCK! It is all up in her face, she is miserable.

We introduced Abby to the juice box this weekend. She did figure out to suck through a straw (Score!). But then was obsessed with taking the straw in and out of the hole for the next hour.

I couldn't get many pictures as I was trying to keep her occupied. But I got plenty of her crashed!

We forgot her pacy, so the only time she would sleep was when we were driving. As soon as the boat stopped, she was up and crazy!

Back to clasping the life jacket.

Abby will pass out in a second in the car. But the whole hour and half home, JD and Jess were in the backseat. Abby CANNOT sleep if someone is beside her. JD says, "What do you do when she won't stop crying?" Uh - you just deal with it. Buck up, man. But as soon as they were out of the car, 5 minutes later......she was out!
Now, she is sick as a dog. Runny nose, eye boogies, the whole nine yards. She somehow bit the inside of her mouth and there was blood all over her crib. I was traumatized!
I am heading out of town Wednesday for a week. I am so excited to be in Melissa's wedding, but sad to leave my sick baby! I will not be blogging, but I am sure I will have plenty of talk about when I return.


Justine said...

I must sat Little Miss no longer looks like Stu, I think you can actually say shes YOURS now! Congrats lady! =)

See ya in a few days!!

gammy206 said...

what a great time we had with abby. we swam in the pool, played all the toys in the house, went for walks. She looked adorable in the spongebob PJ's i tried to get all three in a pic. all 3 had them on. what a great pic. glad you all had fun on sunday