Thursday, October 21, 2010

Craft Fairs and Cupcakes

Saturday, my mom and I took Abby to Bell Buckle to the Webb Creek Craft Fair. It was ridiculously overcrowded and hot.
We did manage to get out of the crowd and take a few pictures. Abby was pretty much over it at this point and refused to smile.

Me trying to get a picture of us two. She is just staring at me like I am crazy.

We stopped for some strawberry ice cream.

Loving it!

If anyone has tried to call me lately and I don't answer it is because about half an hour after we got this ice cream, we decided to do a hay ride. I was trying to fold the stroller and I set the ice cream bowl in my purse. Completely forgot about it and dropped my phone in there. Now, it only works on speaker phone. Luckily, I am getting a new one soon!

They also had a petting zoo. Abby was pretty excited about the goats. She must have remembered them from the Pumpkin Farm last weekend.
I made strawberry cupcakes for work and thought Abby might enjoy them.

She sure looks like she deserves and wants a cupcake.

Digging in!

Hmm, not so sure about this! Why is the top part sticky?

"Oh Gawd! Get it off!"
She completely freaked out when icing was on her hands. We probably went through about 20 napkins. Finally, I just gave up and we threw the cupcake away.

1 comment:

gammy said...

crowds, heat and Bell Buckle. Now the Strawberry ice cream sounds good, but that is it. Heard about your phone. You needed a new one anyone. sounds like something I would do. too many things, not enough places to put them. lol. well glad she liked the petting zoo. Can't wait till next weekend to see what see is for Halloween.