Monday, September 21, 2009

Working from Home

I will start with our story from Sunday. We had all intentions of going to Bear Island on the ferry. We get there and they tell us the island is full, so no go. What in the world? There was about 7 1/2 of us, so it was disappointing to say the least. But we did take a picture of Bear Island in the distance.

And although I feel that I look like a chunkster in this picture, I did hit my pre-pregnancy weight this past week. That was exciting to say the least! Now, I just have to work on those pounds that I was planning to lose before the pregnancy. But hey, losing 48 pounds in 8 months ain't bad(gaining it was def. more fun though)!

About nine months ago, I got on a waiting list for the day care on base. Still waiting.... But in the meantime, I have two great friends that help me out, plus I can use the day care three days a week. Sometimes, unfortunately it doesnt work out. So, Im stuck working from home. Most people would love to have this opportunity and although I do love spending time with my baby, I usually feel like I didn't get enough work done. But I did actually get work done today since I had a babysitter that I never even thought of....Ali!

I have a nosy little girl that needs to see what I am doing at ALL times!

It is so hard to concentrate when she is just grinning at me!

Crackers? Nope, still staring!

I did not prop her up, she can totally pull herself up and does it all the time!

When I said that Ali was the babysitter, it was because she would run around all four sides of the pack and play and Abby would just laugh and laugh!

Then I moved her to the exersaucer where Ali licked her hands for about 15 minutes. I think that earlier cracker had alot to do with it too.

But in the end, she continued her staring at me until I acknowledged her!

Maybe it wasnt me that she wanted....maybe it was the computer!
Headed to VA for work for the next few days....Daddy and Abby bonding time!


gammy said...

those were great what agreat day at work. wish I could stay home and work... drive careful take care love you...

gammy said...

oh yeah congrats on the weight loss. you look great.

Wiz said...

I feel your pain. There is NO way I could get anything done if I worked from home. Maybe during nap time; Of course the TV might call my name then :)

Katie said...

Cute pics. Congrats on the weight loss...wish I could lose 48 in 8 months;)

Anonymous said...

Well boo for the Bear island trip! And Ali looks so darn cute in these pics, as always.

Anonymous said...

Crap I meant to write Abby and Ali and left out the most important one.... But they both are cute... Lol