Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daddy is Crazy

I am back from Newport News, but got home too late to see Abby. Of course I went in there and tried to wake her up, but that gal was not having it. She was mad!

Funny Daddy/Abby story though. Wednesday morning, Stu got up, turned off the alarm. He shaved, brushed his teeth, got dressed. Went into the living room, let the dog out, fed her. Packed Abby's bag for day care, made the bottles. Then he woke Abby up. Usually when you wake her up in the morning she is the most happy-go-lucky baby. This morning, she screamed her head off while he changed her and dressed her. He thought it was strange, but whatever, time to go to work. Gets her in the car seat, puts her in the car. Car in drive, ready to leave the house. FINALLY, looks at the clock. Oh yea, it is 2:35 AM. Yes, my sleep-walking husband woke up, got ready for work, woke our poor baby up, all because he thought it was 6 AM and time to go to work. This is (shockingly) not the first time this has happened, but the first time that he woke Abby up and traumatized her as well. Mommy does not need to leave town again!

On a side note: he put her right back to bed without a peep, apparently she was TIRED! (I would be too if you woke me up at 2:30 AM)


gammy said...

I laughed so hard when Stuart called and told me that story. That is the best. so glad you wrote it down so Abby will know what her daddy did. Glad you are home.....

Unknown said...

That boy is just crazy! His sleep-talking stories are the best...