Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Eye" Love Abby

Poor Little Ms. Abby has another eye infection. If you remember from before posts, this is not the first time. And I am so squeamish about eyes - why me??

Her nose has been runny for a few days, which I took to mean another tooth was coming in. But she woke up from her nap today with some gunk in her eyes. I took her to day care and they said it was pretty goopy all day. We are working to keep it clean and gave her a steamy bath, but it is still pretty gross.

Speaking of baths, I was traumatized tonight (no, no floaters in the tub yet). I gave her a bath in our tub tonight bc it steams better in there. I dont know if it was the shock of the new bath or what, but she fell backwards in the tub! Smacked the crap out of her head. Of course, me yelling for Stuart probably scared her too! I scooped her out fully dressed (me not her) and held her until she stopped wailing. She was fine of course, but it scared me! She is usually so steady in there.

Eating her puffs and you can see her red eye

Poor puffy eye!

That nose is looking puffy as well!

One extra shot - managed to wrangle her down for a shot at that top tooth. Still cant get a shot of the bottom two though!


Sara Pollard said...

Poor baby!! Take care of my sweetheart.


gammy said...

poor little angel. hope she feels better soon...