Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eye Update

Abby's eye is better in the morning, but still looks bad after her nap. She gets so mad when I try to clean it. I think that is part of the reason that it is swollen.

Still in good spirits though, nothing gets her down.

Not to sure about this pacy, she likes to put it in backwards....

Finally, got it!

Tomorrow marks a sad 28th birthday! Seriously, when did I get to be this age?? But at least this year, I have my two favorite people with me! Last year I was *sob* all alone! Well I guess Abby was there, but not really!

Look at me last year.....

We have plans for Olive Garden with friends Friday night, Ill post pics this weekend.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Eye" Love Abby

Poor Little Ms. Abby has another eye infection. If you remember from before posts, this is not the first time. And I am so squeamish about eyes - why me??

Her nose has been runny for a few days, which I took to mean another tooth was coming in. But she woke up from her nap today with some gunk in her eyes. I took her to day care and they said it was pretty goopy all day. We are working to keep it clean and gave her a steamy bath, but it is still pretty gross.

Speaking of baths, I was traumatized tonight (no, no floaters in the tub yet). I gave her a bath in our tub tonight bc it steams better in there. I dont know if it was the shock of the new bath or what, but she fell backwards in the tub! Smacked the crap out of her head. Of course, me yelling for Stuart probably scared her too! I scooped her out fully dressed (me not her) and held her until she stopped wailing. She was fine of course, but it scared me! She is usually so steady in there.

Eating her puffs and you can see her red eye

Poor puffy eye!

That nose is looking puffy as well!

One extra shot - managed to wrangle her down for a shot at that top tooth. Still cant get a shot of the bottom two though!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Abby Sunday

So Stuart and I jokingly call Sundays "Abby Sundays". I dont know what it is, but she is just soooo whiny on Sundays. Nothing and I mean nothing, makes this girl happy. I managed to snap some pictures of her being happy, but man, it was hard.

I also tried to upload a video that I made yesterday of her dancing while she eats. After fourteen (yes, you read that right - fourteen!!) hours, it was STILL updating, so I just had to give up. Maybe one day Ill figure out how to do it, but not right now!

I know I say it every time, but I still get amazed at how well she pulls herself up. And she loves it as well!

We went to visit our friend Mike and Julie's house that they are building. It was quite beautiful, but once again, since it is Abby Sunday, she would not let anyone but me hold her. That made it hot, muggy, and my arms were tired!

I tried putting her in this chair (which she is too big for). She was content for about 15 minutes...

The lights kept her very entertained!

She did much better when she was out of the chair and could play how she wanted.

She was a little better after a nap...this is what I snapped when I walked in to check on her.

But I do have to say.....that the best part of the day was discovering that all of my dreams have come true!!!!

What you ask could this possibly be????


Yes, ladies and gents, after 9 months, Ms. Abby FINALLY has enough hair to stick a bow in. You have no idea how thrilled I am about this!! I yelled for Stuart to come and see. Needless to say, not as impressed as I was! This alone made any "Abby Sunday" well worth it! :)

AND Desperate Housewives premieres tonight!
"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it"
Psalms 118:24

Friday, September 25, 2009

Mommy is Home!

Mommy missed her baby so much. I loved waking her up this morning. She was SO happy to see me, apparently forgot that I tried to wake her last night.

Immediately took pictures!

Not really a picture of Abby, but I love the wild look in Ali's eye. That is one crazy dog!

Wondering why I am taking pictures and not playing with her

While I was gone, Stuart taught Abby a new noise. He had a bath toy that you can fill with water and then blow. So she imitates this noise. Not sure how to spell it, but she blows "tisst, tisst, tisst".

I really am amazed at how well she pulls herself up. I talked to a lady this week who's daughter started walking at 10 months and five days. That is only like 6 weeks away!! I dont want her to ever grow up!

Give me that camera!

Stuart also bought her a teething pacifier. We arent really sure how it works, but Abby will put it in her mouth and just hold it.

Ok, time for bed, no more paparazzi!

No big plans for the weekend, it is rainy and dull here. Might try Bear Island again!
We also finally listed our house on the market. For those of you that dont know, we are in the process of moving back to the Nashville area. So as soon as we can get this house sold...we are outta here!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daddy is Crazy

I am back from Newport News, but got home too late to see Abby. Of course I went in there and tried to wake her up, but that gal was not having it. She was mad!

Funny Daddy/Abby story though. Wednesday morning, Stu got up, turned off the alarm. He shaved, brushed his teeth, got dressed. Went into the living room, let the dog out, fed her. Packed Abby's bag for day care, made the bottles. Then he woke Abby up. Usually when you wake her up in the morning she is the most happy-go-lucky baby. This morning, she screamed her head off while he changed her and dressed her. He thought it was strange, but whatever, time to go to work. Gets her in the car seat, puts her in the car. Car in drive, ready to leave the house. FINALLY, looks at the clock. Oh yea, it is 2:35 AM. Yes, my sleep-walking husband woke up, got ready for work, woke our poor baby up, all because he thought it was 6 AM and time to go to work. This is (shockingly) not the first time this has happened, but the first time that he woke Abby up and traumatized her as well. Mommy does not need to leave town again!

On a side note: he put her right back to bed without a peep, apparently she was TIRED! (I would be too if you woke me up at 2:30 AM)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Walmart Shoppers

I dont know the exact website, but there is a site that is dedicated to pictures of people in Walmart. Let me just tell you....there are some doozies! But this one was by far my favorite. In case you can't read the sign, it says "Please don't touch the baby".

I need this sign!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Working from Home

I will start with our story from Sunday. We had all intentions of going to Bear Island on the ferry. We get there and they tell us the island is full, so no go. What in the world? There was about 7 1/2 of us, so it was disappointing to say the least. But we did take a picture of Bear Island in the distance.

And although I feel that I look like a chunkster in this picture, I did hit my pre-pregnancy weight this past week. That was exciting to say the least! Now, I just have to work on those pounds that I was planning to lose before the pregnancy. But hey, losing 48 pounds in 8 months ain't bad(gaining it was def. more fun though)!

About nine months ago, I got on a waiting list for the day care on base. Still waiting.... But in the meantime, I have two great friends that help me out, plus I can use the day care three days a week. Sometimes, unfortunately it doesnt work out. So, Im stuck working from home. Most people would love to have this opportunity and although I do love spending time with my baby, I usually feel like I didn't get enough work done. But I did actually get work done today since I had a babysitter that I never even thought of....Ali!

I have a nosy little girl that needs to see what I am doing at ALL times!

It is so hard to concentrate when she is just grinning at me!

Crackers? Nope, still staring!

I did not prop her up, she can totally pull herself up and does it all the time!

When I said that Ali was the babysitter, it was because she would run around all four sides of the pack and play and Abby would just laugh and laugh!

Then I moved her to the exersaucer where Ali licked her hands for about 15 minutes. I think that earlier cracker had alot to do with it too.

But in the end, she continued her staring at me until I acknowledged her!

Maybe it wasnt me that she wanted....maybe it was the computer!
Headed to VA for work for the next few days....Daddy and Abby bonding time!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The fun of Grass

Why am I so paranoid about my baby? I never thought to just stick her in the grass. But my friend Ashley came over today and just dropped her right in the backyard. At first, my heart caught, thinking she cant be in the grass. But in reality, she is fine. Sometimes you just need other people around to make you realize what is right in front of your face!

Of course Ali was just loving her friend Abby being in the grass! Note the glee on Abby's face.

I just love life today! God is great!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Just another night of fun

Every day when I get home, the stresses of the day literally just melt away. Although all that Abby says is "Da-da" ALL day long, I know that there is nothing like her Momma. I actually started to realize this in TN. Since I am around her so much, I never noticed it. But at my parents house, even though she was surrounded by 5-6 people that doted on her every need, if I left the room, she screamed. No one wants to spoil their child, but there is something heartwarming about knowing that she loves you more than anyone (Ill keep this blog until her teenage years to see if this still holds true).

But enough of my weeping for my child....Here was our exciting Friday night!

Working on the ice trays in the kitchen. The funny thing is we have an ice maker. I bought these trays (and the food processor that collects dust) with the intent of making her baby food. That totally didnt work out.

Wanting to get to me, but I keep backing away to try and take a picture. I do have to say that these pants are just the cutest thing I have ever seen. I have no idea who bought them for us, but they are just tooo freaking cute. I love the capri looking pants.

Oh Bath Time!! Still the best part of her night. As you see, dinner is still on her face.

This is what I found when Daddy was watching her (see his legs in the background, claims to be doing dishes).

Ah ha!! I knew Mommy bought me something, now if I could only read this receipt.

Daddy decides that dancing in the living room will be fun, Abby....not so sure!

Abby is just "chilling" dealing with her crazy daddy. I like this picture because you can really see her hair. It is just so fine that it looks in pictures like she doesnt have any, but there is really a ton!

Supposed to be a rainy weekend. If so, we will be inside watching movies. If not, headed to Bear Island on the ferry. Hopefully Bear Island, but we will see.

One other update that I believe I forgot to mention. Every morning, I get Abby up, put her in the bouncy chair and get in the shower. Well about Tuesday, after I got out of the shower, I was washing bottles and looked over at her, she had climbed OUT of the chair. That is one crafty gal! So now when she gets up in the morning, I have to put her in the pack and play while I shower. Let me just say, that is not a happy girl! And the pack and play takes up half of the living room, so it sucks for all of us!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cammies and Veggie Nuggets

Abby was just fascinated by Daddy's cammies that were hanging on the chair. Better not have a future Marine!

We are also trying to feed Abby what we actually have for dinner. Since she has liked all food so far, we figured it wouldn't be so hard. So tonight she had bananas and veggie nuggets (the vegeterian version of chicken nuggets). They were a hit!

Just a funny random story:

  • Yesterday, my friend Meg watched her. As soon as I walked in the door, Meg blurted "She ate dog food today". I am like WHAT?? Apparently Abby found a piece of food on the floor and ate it so quick that Meg couldnt get it away from her!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Softball Game

I thought that we were done with softball, but apparently not. The league team that Stuart has been playing with now has a championship to play. So, me and Abby decided to go out and support Daddy.

I think it is hilarious that she sits with her feet up, just relaxing!

Stuart on third base after hitting a triple.

Abby can somewhat hold her bottle, not to the point that she can actually drink out of it, but we are getting there. I truly can't imagine the day that I can just hand her the bottle and let her go....

Black and white shot

We went to a new church on Sunday (I think this might be the one as I really liked it!). Abby wore a really cute dress that Nona got her. This was the best picture that I could get of it. What a fancy gal!