Sunday, April 15, 2012

Weekend Review

We had another beautiful, busy weekend.
Soccer verdict: Getting better, but it is still ugly.

Abby honestly would be fine if they just kicked the ball back and forth.

When the cones come out, she is all about it.
Unless people talk to her, then the hands go up and she starts crying.
And for the first 30 minutes, they do games such as red light/green light or Sharks and Minnows.
She just whines on the sidelines.
But oh those cones, she is a professional.
So she gets about 5-7 minutes of play time a week!
We went to my Mimi's 85th birthday party in Knoxville after.
Sadly, I took no pictures.
Well just this one. Luckily, my bro brought their Ipad and Abby watched a movie on the way there.
She looks so grown up!
Today was church and then we cleaned out the garage. Exciting times.
Abby was quickly bored with the garage clean out, so we got out the water table.
She loved it (and yes, I know she needs a hair cut. If she would just let me pin it back, it wouldn't look so bad)
She also fell in love with Popsicles. This was her second just today.
She had it all over her face, her arms, and her legs.
Good times!

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