Monday, December 8, 2008

Another Doctor Appointment

I went to the doctor for another check-up today. I usually go to an off-base clinic and not the base hospital for my regular appointments. Well the clinic was full, so the appointment was made for the hospital today.

Apparently the hospital was full also, so whoever booked my appointment put me in a "complicated pregnancy" slot. When I went in, I got to see the "top-dog" doctor there who asked me a million questions about my complications. Finally we figured out what happened and I got through my normal appointment. But it was pretty amusing, I was his easiest case in a long time!

Abby's heartbeat was good, she is definitely facing head down, ready to go. I had my last test done to make sure I wont have any issues during labor. I have not started dilating yet, which is awesome, since Mom has to get here first!

This was also the first appointment where I hadnt gained a ton of weight! It has only been about 10 days since my last appointment, but I was still pretty happy. My next appointment is Dec 23rd.


gammy said...

Glad you hadn't diltated yet, but why aren't you going back every week??? How will they know if you dilate any. Thats kinda long till the next visit?? well glad all is well, just kinda wishing that you could go every week, I'm sure you don't want to but...... love you

Katie said...

Ann you look adorable! Hope all is well miss ya