Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ultrasound Pictures

Below are the pictures from the ultrasound August 25th. The pictures are very clear and the profile, heart, spine, arms and legs can all be seen.

The nurse was explaining all of the parts to me as she went along. She said, “Here is the head, here is the spine, here is where you see it is a girl, here are the legs”. I immediately screamed and starting bawling. I managed to choke out, “It’s a girl???” My mom started crying too. Then Julie (my friend that went with us) started tearing up also. I cried for a good five minutes. The nurse continued to look at the baby, but didn’t say anything. I asked her if everything was ok since she wasn’t saying anything. She said, “I am just waiting for you to compose yourself.” Apparently her job bores her although she did a very good, thorough job.

The nurse pointed out every dark blob to us explaining what organ it was and that it looked healthy and normal. But when she tried to take a picture of her face, the baby refused to move her arms out from in front of her face. She tried adjusting the table and elevating my stomach to get the baby to move, but she just would not cooperate. Wonder who she gets that from….

As of August 25th, she weighs 15 ounces and everything looks wonderful. My next doctor check-up is September 30th.


Lindsay said...

Those are some really good pics! Soooo good to see you the other night.

gammy said...

What a beautiful little girl. Evan was right when he asked "Aunt Ann where is HER hair" he knew he was a girl cousin.. love you Stuart is so excited.He asked me what you looked like. I told him how good you looked. have to take more pics. and send to him. love you