Thursday, August 2, 2012

New Class (and...More Random Things)

 I am so sad that tomorrow is Abby's last day in her current day care class. She has a party in the afternoon that I will be going to. I adore her teachers and this is the absolute longest that she has been in one class of day care. I have really grown to love her teachers. 

I am sure that I will love the new ones as well....but it is still hard. 

We meet the new ones at the open house on Sunday. I am sure I will be singing their praises soon! 

 The teacher presents that I made. I am in love with these baskets from World Market. I put note cards and BBW lotion in them. Along with a card that Abby wrote their name on the front of and "Thank You - Abby" inside. I also included a note about how much I love them and will miss her being in the class. 

Abby is loving the "Lmy-Pics". Every night after bath, she, Stu and I lay on the floor in front of the TV and watch it. 

I do think it should be required in the Women's Gymanastics (my favorite to watch) that they SMILE. Gaby is the only one that does it, and it makes all the difference. Edited to Add: She got the GOLD - love it!


This Chick-Fil-A stuff is just crazy. Apparently all of the Chick-Fil-A's around here had to have police navigating traffic yesterday. We didn't personally drive by one, but I saw plenty of pictures. I would totally hate to work there.

Seriously, this kid is so freaking hilarious. I will probably say this every year (well, maybe not the teenage years), but 3 is by far my favorite age. 

Her with her underwear on her head. That is how we roll in this house.

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