Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Girly Girl

My little gal can be so girly.

She loves to paint her fingers.
(And was over the moon about her new Princess pj's she got today)

I painted her toenails dark purple.

Yes, it is crazy that I let her paint her own finger nails.

But I think she does a pretty darn good job!

I forgot to mention in our weekend recap post, but we also made a visit to the Minute Clinic at Walgreens. Abby had been barking and I didn't want to spend a 3 day weekend with a sick kiddo. She ended up just having a slight ear infection and is perfectly fine now.
What was most interesting was her height/weight.

She ended up just having a slight ear infection and is perfectly fine now.
What was most interesting was her height/weight.
At her 3 year appointment, she weighed 29 lbs, 6 ozs and 36 inches. Of course, that was a best guess as she threw a major tantrum and barely let them touch her.
At this appointment, she weighed 36 pounds and was 39 inches tall.

Either she grew ALOT or those 3 year stats were wrong :).

1 comment:

gammydi said...

wow... glad it was just a slight ear infection. glad she is better. that's a big growth spurt geez she might be taller then Chris. I'll have to check..