Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cake, Milestones, and New PJ's

I think that we are never coming to TN again.....I hate snow! It is really only about a half inch, but still. It prevented me from a much awaited night at Teesha's for "girls night". I don't even like driving in the rain, so snow....that is a no go. My favorite part though is that they closed school last night, and it didn't even start snowing until mid day today.

Nevertheless, this little Angel had a fantastic dinner of hash browns, peas and carrots.

We still have her smush cake so I gave her a slice of it tonight. The look on her face is that of pure joy (or being dazed)!

Although, really all she did was smear the icing all over her hands. I had to snap her up and throw her in the tub before Ali ate it off!

I am so incredibly proud of her. I have been setting her sippy cup with ice water or juice on the tray. She drinks it (throwing it way back) and then sets it right back and continues eating. Awesome!!
***Question....we took her off of formula. On to whole milk. But I really think that she is only having one or two of those sippy cups a day. Is this OK? Is she getting enough milk/vitamins???? She seems to drink alot of water/juice and milk only twice a day. She is already so tiny, that I worry that I am not giving her enough milk. We go to the doc on the 19th for her one year appointment, so I will ask him as well.....just looking for opinions.....
Here is what Ms. Abby is up to these days....
  • Standing on her own, can stand up from a sitting position.
  • Will let go of tables and couches and stand.
  • Hesitantly has taken a half step, but then just drops down and crawls to where she wants to go.
  • I sat her on my parents scale and it said 17 pounds. I find that very doubtful, so we will get the official weight in a few weeks.
  • Words that she says (in order of frequency). Hi and Hey - this is said to EVERY person in a store. Da-Di - this is pretty much anyone that she knows and loves. Gank Gu - Thank You - this is said when she hands someone one of her toys. Awi - Ali - she screams this as she pulls Ali's hair.
  • Favorite food is still bread - she is a carb girl. Peas is pretty high on the list as well (which Stu would rather die than eat).
  • One of my favorite things that she has started doing - when she meets new people that are overly friendly (like my friends), she tucks her head under my chin and gives them a shy smile.
  • Still putting anything and everything in her mouth.
  • Completely off the bottle, only sippy cups. Next up...strawed cups???
  • Still working on the pacy!
  • 7 teeth...a HUGE gap between the top two. We will definitely be getting braces in a few years.
  • Sits on the floor and raises her hands to be picked up. Constantly.
  • Has figured out that she can stand in the high chairs at restaurants. Nice.
  • Just being the best, most fun, sweetest girl in the world!!!!!

While my parents and I ate dinner, Abby explored all of the cabinets. I guess my parents forget what it is like to have a one year old in the house. They kept saying "Get in this cabinet, not the other one". Uh, she will go wherever she wants!!!

I will be so sad Saturday (weather permitting now!) when we leave. Ali is so good with her, just take the example of Abby pulling her ear. Ali's face says, "Seriously, I am trying to get a bite of Mom's food right now. Back off!"

I tried repeatedly to get a good picture of Abby's pj's, but this was the best that I could get. Her cousins picked them out, they have Cinderella and Bella on them. Too cute and I am loving the flannel!


Warf pary of 3 said...

Landon is not a big milk drinker, he might get 1-2 sippy cups a day. I started mixing 3/4 whole milk and 1/4 low fat choco. milk and he drinks it up. i also feed him cheese and yogurts to compensate. im sure she is getting what she needs if she is drinking 2-3 a day. landon also LOVES to stand up in high chairs. what did we do before kids?

Justine said...

I never drink milk and Im fine! =) (I know there is a difference) Ps the girl with the kids... Enough is enough!

Wiz said...

Our pediatrician made a point to tell us at Colt's 9 month that when we get rid of the bottle that Colt's liquid intake will decrease. He said that it was completely normal and fine for them. Abby is such a cutie!!!

gammy said...

The dr told us 24 oz a day if possible. he'll drink more some days and less others but when he is here with us I really make sure he gets it. yes cheese and yogurt is great. Abby was so much fun. She had a great time with her cousins. they are really looking forward to playing with her again.. It was great to see you all. sorry your trip back was long. Steve does the same thing with me when the electricity goes out. diane, help... blah blah blah